Current Partners
Partnership Opportunities
The 4th Annual Digital Transformation in Government (DTiG) Conference is delighted to make the following partnership opportunities available. The conference will be over 4 days (13-16 June 2023) from 0900-1700 hrs with the 13-15 June being Virtual and the 16th Hybrid (In Person in Ottawa and Virtual).
The conference is both a professional development activity for participants and a means to enhance the ability of the public, private and academic sectors to collaborate and improve the quality and success of digital transformation in government. The Conference is Not-For-Profit.
Partnership is for organizations that are professional and not for profit. Partners and academia are accorded ISACA Ottawa Valley member prices and faculties may partner free of charge. Participants may claim up to 21 CPEs or PDUs. As association revenues mainly consist of member dues, the following breakdown is used:
- Global – for an association where members are international;
- National – for an association that is national in scope;
- Large Chapter – for an association chapter whose membership exceeds 250 people;
- Medium Chapter – for an association chapter whose membership is between 100-250; and
- Small Chapter – for an association chapter whose membership is less than 100.
Please contact us at ( for more information about partnership opportunities and details.