At the University of Ottawa, the Digital Transformation and Innovation (DTI) graduate program is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between the Management, Arts, and Engineering to train highly qualified professionals to create, manage, and research the profound change to our world that is happening as a result of digital technology. At its heart, the technology enables the collection and communication of huge amounts of data that transform how business and society work. It also creates a new online environment where the experience of business and social interactions by individuals are being reinvented. Innovation is an important aspect of the program that emphasizes the re-invention and creative design of user experiences in business and social interactions. In this talk, I will first reflect on the nature, successes, and future of DTI as a graduate program. Then, I will highlight several research-oriented success stories (process-goal alignment, process mining, regulatory intelligence, and the specification of legal contracts with their monitoring using smart contracts) in which some of my DTI graduate students were involved. These multi-disciplinary projects will demonstrate the relevance of DTI in industrial, governmental, and healthcare contexts.

Biography – Dr. Daniel Amyot