The following is a list of speakers for the 2022 (3rd Annual) Digital Transformation in Government (DTiG) Conference. Additional details including presentation abstracts and speaker biographies will be added to this page shortly. Presentations and recordings will be made available to attendees following the event.
- Dr. Gregory Smolynec – Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Promotion Sector, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC)
- Dr. Raul M. Abril – Officer of the European Commission, EU
- Pierre-Dominique Cotte – Justice Cluster, Council of the European Union, EU
- Dr. Sandra Toze – Director, Dalhousie University – School of Information Management, Canada
- Dr. Guy-Vincent Jourdan – Co-Director and Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Vosif-Viorel (Vio) Onut – Co-Director uOttawa/IBM Cyber Range, and IBM Senior Manager, Canada
- Juan Pablo Revello – Chief Solutions Architect, Office of the President, Government of Uruguay (AGESIC)
- Greg Lane – CEO, Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS), Canada
- Lluis Alfons Arino Martin – CIO, Universitat Rovira I Virgli, Spain
- Dr. Pavel Hrabe – Chief Methodologist, Office of the President, Czech Republic
- Dr. Louise Spiteri – Professor, Dalhousie University – School of Information Management, Canada
- Dr. Robert Weisman – Professor, Digital Transformation and Innovation, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Yvan Gauthier – Head, AI Accelerator Program, National Research Council (NRC), Canada
- Jac van Beek – Executive in Residence and Director, Graduate Programs in Engineering Management, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Martin Bernier – CIO, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Ilva Peci – Senior Director IT Solutions, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Stephanie Pereira – Senior Business Analyst and Business Architect, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Matthew Whelen – Port of Vancouver Transformation, Transport Canada, Canada
- Kevin Herman – Senior Business Architecture Advisor, Employment and Social Development (ESDC), Canada
- Dr. Asif Gill – Professor and Leader DigiSAS Research and Innovation Lab, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Dr. Alvin Marcelo, MD – Executive Director, Asia eHealth Information Network
- Dr. Pallab Saha – General Manager, The Open Group, India
- Scott Taylor – Director General, Digital Enablement, Shared Services Canada (SSC), Canada
- Dr. Yolanda Martinez – Overall Lead for GovStack Initiative, International Telecommunications Union
- Deniz Susar – UN Department of Economic & Social Affairs (UNDESA e-Gov Survey), United Nations
- Gita Nurlaila – Manager, Enterprise Architecture and Architecture Review Board, TBS, Canada
- Pascale Elvas – Executive Director, Transformation and Strategy Sector, TBS, Canada
- Dr. Ransford Mensah – Country Lead United Nations, Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL)
- Bruno Ouellet – Director Enterprise Architecture, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), Canada
- Stephen Burt – Chief Data Officer, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS), Canada
- Robert Trottier – Executive Director, Digital Policy, TBS, Canada
- Jennifer Schofield – Executive Director, Information and Privacy Policy Division, TBS, Canada
- Benoit Deshaies – Director, Data and Artificial Intelligence, TBS, Canada
- Dr. Robert Weisman – Professor, Digital Transformation and Innovation, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Christian Sauve – Chief Enterprise Architect, Public Service Commission (PSC), Canada
- Dr. Eric Champagne – Director and Professor, Centre on Governance – School of Public Studies, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Silvana Gomes – PhD Candidate, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Rachel Porteous – CIO, Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (FINTRAC), Canada
- Dr. Gry Hasselbalch – Scholar and Author, Director of Research, European Union
- Robert Gordon – Strategic Advisor, Canadian Cyber-Threat Exchange (CCTX), Canada
- Ima Okonny – Chief Data Officer, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), Canada
- Eric Sweden – Program Manager, Architecture and Governance, US National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO)
- Po Tea-Duncan – Executive Director, Cyber Security, TBS, Canada
- Dr. Luciana Duranti – Professor, and Director, Centre for the International Study of Contemporary Records and Archives, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Dr. Raul M. Abril – Officer of the European Commission, EU
- John Linford – Director, The Open Group Security Forum, United States
- Altaz Valani – Senior Member, The Open Group Security Forum, United States
- Martin St-Yves – CIO and Assistant Chief Statistician of Canada, Statistics Canada, Canada
- Karen A Wetzel – Manager, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education, NIST, US
- Dr. Daniel Amyot – Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Joni Brennan – President, Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada, Canada
- Francois Bedard – Senior Advisor, Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada, Canada
- Angela McAllister – Academic Sector Lead, Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS)
- Dr. Jeffrey Roy – Professor, School of Public Administration, Dalhousie University, Canada
Speaker Abstracts & Biographies
Day 1 – 14 June 2022
Gregory Smolynec – Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Promotion Sector in the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC)
Presentation – “The Race to Innovate: Digitization and Privacy Rights in the Government of Canada”
Abstract: What are the implications for the human right to privacy when so many aspects of our lives are being transformed digitally? Gregory Smolynec, Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Promotion, of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, will discuss the impact of digitization on privacy in Canada and around the world and what organizations should consider when it comes to the protection of personal information. Chief among his recommendations: build privacy in from the start.
Gregory Smolynec is Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Promotion in the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The Promotion Program is future-looking and aims to inform Canadians of their rights and how to exercise them, and to bring organizations toward compliance with the law. As Deputy Commissioner Policy and Promotion, Gregory leads the OPC Policy and Promotion team in developing and promoting general, yet practical, information and guidance, and in developing advice on specific initiatives. Prior to his appointment, Gregory served as Director General Strategic Initiatives in the Strategic Joint Staff at National Defence Headquarter. As DGSI, he led the Strategic Outlook function for the Canadian Armed Forces. Strategic Outlook is an analytical, decision support process designed to identify and analyze the central military and technological challenges facing Canada and to inform strategic decision-making and advice to government. Gregory began his career with the Department of National Defence as a Strategic Analyst in Defence R&D Canada. He has worked in several organizations within the Department of National Defence as an analyst and has held a series of progressively responsible executive positions the Public Service. He has a Bachelor of Arts in History from McGill University, a Master of Arts in Russian and East European Studies from Carleton University and a Doctorate in History from Duke University.
Gregory Smolynec est sous-commissaire, Politiques et promotion, au Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée du Canada. Le programme de promotion est tourné vers l’avenir et vise à informer les Canadiens de leurs droits et de la façon de les exercer, et à amener les organisations à se conformer à la loi. En qualité de sous-commissaire, Politiques et promotion, Gregory dirige l’équipe du Secteur des politiques et de la promotion du Commissariat pour ce qui est d’élaborer et de promouvoir de l’information et des orientations générales, mais pratiques, et d’élaborer des conseils sur des initiatives précises. Avant sa nomination, Gregory était directeur général des initiatives stratégiques au sein de l’État-major interarmées stratégique localisé au Quartier général de la Défense nationale. À ce titre, il dirigeait la fonction de perspective stratégique pour les Forces armées canadiennes. La perspective stratégique est un processus d’analyse et de soutien à la prise de décisions conçu pour cerner et analyser les défis militaires et technologiques auxquels est confronté le Canada et pour éclairer la prise de décisions stratégiques et la préparation de conseils pour le gouvernement. Gregory a commencé sa carrière au sein du ministère de la Défense nationale en tant qu’analyste stratégique à R et D pour la défense Canada. Il a travaillé dans plusieurs organisations du ministère de la Défense nationale comme analyste et a occupé une série de postes de cadres qui comportaient des responsabilités de plus en plus grandes dans la fonction publique. Il détient un baccalauréat ès arts en histoire de l’Université McGill, une maîtrise ès arts en études sur la Russie et l’Europe de l’Est de l’Université Carleton et un doctorat en histoire de l’Université Duke.
Dr. Raul M. Abril – Officer of the European Commission and a research fellow at KU Leuven, Public Governance Institute
Presentation – “Digital Transformation initiatives of The European Commission”
Abstract: The presentation will cover EU Basic Figures, the European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA), Policy making, Digital Europe Programme and Other Grants Programmes.
Raul M. Abril is an officer of the European Commission since 2013 and a research fellow at KU Leuven, Public Governance Institute. He is responsible for a portfolio of European programs including the European Interoperability Reference Architecture, EIRA, the eGovERA Portfolio Decision Making support and the eGovERA Digital Transformation Roadmap support.
He has +35y of IT professional services experience, most of them in the private sector and holding several senior positions including R&D Portfolio manager in a major USA IT vendor.
His knowledge domains are Research Methods (Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis), Marketing (Research, IS), IT R&D (Portfolio Mgmt, Product Mgmt), Project Mgmt, and IS & Technology (Knowledge Management, DSS, BI, Data Warehousing, DBMS, IS Design). Raul has been professor in several universities and been active publishing his research.
Raul holds a doctoral degree (Henley Management College, UK), a European PhD Certification (European Doctoral School on Knowledge Management, DK), an Ing. Sup. Informatics (UAB, ESP), and a Master’s in Project Mgmt (The George Washington University, USA).
Colonel (ret) Pierre Cotte – Digital Transformation Officer – European Union ‘Justice and Home Affairs’ formerly Council of the European Union DGF: Team Lead Digital Transformation
Presentation – “Digital Transformation in the EU Justice Cluster”
Pierre Cotte has a double Ingenieur degree in France (Ecole Polytechnique X82 and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées-87) and has long management experience of large scale and secure Intelligence and Command and Control systems (in support of FR or NATO military headquarters) and Information and Decision-making systems (in support of the Council of the EU). He has served in the French Ministry of Defence (10 years), NATO (10 years) and the EU (13 years). During that time he has five times been a Programme managers of CIS systems and was the Prime Information Systems Architect in the NATO (for 8 years) in support of the two Strategic Commands.
Pierre entered the EU in 2007 as civil servant and left the French Mod as a Colonel (i.e. Ingénieur en Chef de l’Armement). Since 2015, He is acting as Digital Transformation Officer, in the General Secretariat of the Council and has recently been posted to the Justice and Home Affaire Directorate General, to support the digital transformation of the justice within the EU (on both the system and legislative aspects).
Dr. Sandra Toze – Director, School of Information Management (SIM), Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University
Presentation – “The New Digital Skills Framework”
Abstract: Just prior to Covid, Dalhousie University’s Schools of Public Administration (SPA) and Information Management (SIM), in the Faculty of Management (FOM) collaborated with the Canadian Digital Services (CDS) with the ambitious goal of gathering evidence better understand how the shift to digital is changing the core skills and competencies required of government employees to design and deliver services. This project involved the development of a training needs analysis survey, which was administered across the government, consultations with senior leaders as well as an environmental scan of existing digital learning best practices and training programs. This presentation will focus on key findings from this research, and summarize the skills needed to support digital transformation in government. It will also provide a reflection on how Covid has changed these needs.
Dr. Toze’s research examines how changes in the information landscape including social, mobile, analytics, cloud and automation affect how we find, interact and use information to solve problems, and learn. Her research centres on three related themes: 1) the collaborative information and data processes of groups; 2) the shift to digital governance; and 3) user specific, social, and mobile information interactions. Her work has identified best practices for information processes within groups and the needs and capacity for digital skills within the Government of Canada. She is currently looking at how Open Data is encouraging innovation and social progress.
Dr. Guy-Vincent Jourdan – Co-Director, uOttawa Cyber Range and Professor
Presentation – “Effective Academic & Industry Relationships”
Abstract: In October of 2021, the university of Ottawa and IBM announced a multi-year partnership to build and operate a new, state of the art Cyber Range for research and training in cybersecurity. This collaboration is, in reality, the next step in a decade long close collaboration between IBM CAS and research groups at the university of Ottawa. In this presentation, Professor Guy-Vincent Jourdan and Dr Vio Onut, the co-directors of the new Cyber Range, will discuss the agreement between the university and IBM, what made it possible in the first place, and how this partnership between academia and industry is structure to maximize its chances of long-term success.
Guy-Vincent Jourdan joined the school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as an associate professor in June 2004, after 7 years in the private sector as C.T.O. and then C.E.O. of Ottawa based Decision Academic Graphics.
He is currently co-director of the UOttawa Cyber Range in conjunction with IBM, is Director of the UOttawa Cybersecurity Microprogram and teaches in the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) at the University of Ottawa.
He received his PhD from l’université de Rennes/INRIA in France in 1995 in distributed systems analysis. His research interests include distributed systems modeling and analysis, software security, cybercrime detection and prevention and ordered sets.
Vosif-Viorel (Vio) Onut – Co-Director, uOttawa Cyber Range and Senior Manager, R&D Strategy, IBM Advanced Studies
Vio Onut is passionate about curriculum and product innovation acceleration through R&D. In the past decade, he has managed more than 150 research projects involving 35 universities, led by over 90 professors, over 360 students and over 330 IBM staff. He specializes in cybersecurity and cybercrime. He has been in this space for 20+ years in various technical, academic and management roles. Currently, he is co-Director of the University of Ottawa and IBM Cyber Range; Adjunct Professor at the University of Ottawa; Senior Manager, R&D Strategy at IBM Canada Lab and IBM Master Inventor at IBM Security. He completed his PhD degree at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick and specializes in topics related to application and network security. In recent years he turned his attention to analyzing Phishing and scam attacks.
Juan Pablo Revello – Chief Solutions Architect, AGESIC – Uruguayan e-gov and information society agency
Presentation – “Enterprise Architecture in the Digital Transformation of the Uruguayan Government”
Abstract: AGESIC is a public agency that leads the implementation and the strategy for e-Government as the basis of an efficient and citizen-centered State. It builds the information and knowledge society in the public sector, by promoting the inclusion, appropriation and good use of information and communication technologies.
One of the main goals at the end of the previous government’s term in 2020 was that all public services should be available online. AGESIC, to carry out such initiative developed a reference architecture framework for digital services.
The framework was built based on TOGAF standard, allowing a unified view of the architectures of the technological solutions that support the digital services. In addition, it defines the guidelines and general recommendations that should be considered from the public organizations for the implementation of any online process.
After the success of the framework for the digital services, AGESIC developed the Integrated e-Government Architecture Framework as a TOGAF standard’s tailoring, according to the country’s reality, adding the regulatory framework to the general principles and two extra cross-cutting domains: security and performance.
The presentation will describe AGESIC’s journey with enterprise architecture and how it is used to achieve new strategic goals for the country’s digital transformation.
Juan Pablo Revello, Chief Solutions Architect, AGESIC – Uruguayan e-gov and information society agency.
A computer engineer specialized in information systems and data management technology. He joined the Uruguayan Office of the President 8 years ago and occupied different roles.
As AGESIC’s Chief Solutions Architect, he leads a team of IT architects. This team is responsible of the enterprise architecture of the Uruguayan e-Government Platform. They have developed the integrated e-government architecture framework and work towards its evolution and adoption.
The architect division is also responsible for the construction, evolution and support of the government interoperability platform.
Additionally, as a team, they have collaborated as architects of the main IT projects for the public sector, such as e-health national records, digital services solutions and digital base registries.
Greg Lane, MBA, ISP – CEO Canadian Information Processing Society, Executive in Residence at the University of Ottawa’s eHub program
Presentation – “Skills for The Information Age (SFIA): A Blueprint for Tomorrow’s Workforce”
Abstract: Digital transformation requires significant IT talent. Do you know what you need? Do you know what you have? As the Association of IT Professionals in Canada CIPS is trying to assist by allowing all members to assess their knowledge and experience and access training to help improve both. The demand for IT talent worldwide is increasing so the entire IT community needs to work together to advance individually and collectively. That journey starts with an understanding of where “we” are and a plan to get to where we need to be. The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) is one of the tools CIPS is employing to help with the journey. This session will help attendees understand the challenge of Digital Transformation and plan the future of their own journey as well assist colleagues as and when required.
Greg Lane MBA, I.S.P. (ret) has over 30 years of leadership experience in IT. He did his master research report on Customer Service and Outsourcing. He has worked on product sales with Microsoft and Cisco and in consulting with Deloitte and Accenture.
His leadership experience includes volunteer activity with CIPS, ICTC and ITAC (now Technation). He has published on the topic of building relationships in a digital world and portals. He has lectured at both Algonquin College and University of Ottawa on Relationship Building and IT Governance.
Greg is currently an Executive in Residence at the University of Ottawa’s eHub program and the national CEO of CIPS, Canada’s Association of IT Professionals.
Lluis Alfons Arino Martin – IT Director – CIO – Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain), Member of the European University Association Digital Transformation Steering Committee, Convenor Diplomas UC(EBSI) at the European Blockchain Partnership
Presentation – “Using the Capability Map to Transform the University”
Lluis is a very experienced and visionary IT and Security leader and has been the university CIO for the past 17 years. He has a master’s degree in computer engineering and is heavily involved in collaborative efforts in the digital transformation space especially the adoption of blockchain.
Ing. Pavel Hrabě, PhD – Chief Methodologist of the National Architecture of Czech Public Administration (Czech GEA)
Presentation – “Digital Transformation in the Czech Central Government”
Abstract: This presentation describes the experience of the Czech Republic in implementing Enterprise Architecture as a management method in managing the development of digital services, the achievements and gained Lessons Learned. The presentation focuses on:
•The brief history of eGovernment development in the Czech Republic showing the need for strong coordination based on architectural methods.
•The Role of The Chief Architect of eGovernment as a dedicated Authority for cross-sectoral eGovernment & IT coordination using Government EA.
•Strategic, legislative, and methodological anchoring of this authority, based mainly on the adaptation of the standard The Open Group TOGAF and ArchiMate.
•Conditions and tools for the application and enforcement of the coordinated development of eGovernment in the Czech Republic, in particular by approving agency concepts and projects by this authority.
•Management of the development of shared services and enforcing their reuse; with the support of the National Architectural Framework, the National ICT Strategy and the National Architecture Plan.
Access to the Czech Government EA has been guided at least since 2007 by the principle of “data circulating, not citizens”, which was reflected in the basic pillars of eGovernment of the Czech Republic. However, even massive investments in these building blocks in previous decades have not sufficiently led to the desired effects to reduce administrative burdens, to speed up the handling of client cases and to reduce the cost of implementing individual public administration services.
After 2014, it was necessary to proceed in two directions: on the one hand, to identify, enact and build the still missing central shared eGovernment services, in particular supporting Front-End of digital customer services, while forcing hundreds of authorities to move forward in their digital transformation and build their eGovernment solutions in a coherent and full use of these shared services.
At the same time, the Czech Government EA began to play its irreplaceable role, which is now materialized in solutions like interconnected service channels of agencies sharing client data in the so-called public administration data pool or Citizen Portal with significant and rapidly growing number of digital self-services.
Ing. Pavel Hrabě, PhD, NAKIT / MVČR & University of Economics, Prague (VSE), completed studies in Technical Cybernetics at the ČVUT FEL Prague in 1989. After graduation, he began working as an IT analyst at the University Hospital in Prague. He was the branch manager in one Czech retail bank and sales/ marketing manager in various companies. Since 1995 Pavel has worked at SAP ČR as a consultant, later as a solution architect and management consultant for key customers. Since 2007, Pavel has specialized in advising on IT strategy and Enterprise Architecture (EA). In 2009, Pavel started his doctoral studies on EA at the University of Economics, Prague, completed in 2015 and continued to teach EA here. In 2015 he started also to work as an external advisor of the Czech Ministry of Interior, in the role of chief methodologist of the National Architecture of Czech Public Administration (Czech GEA). He is co-author of Digital Czech strategy (in 2018 and 2020).
Dr. Louise Spiteri – Professor, School of Information Management, and Chair of Dalhousie Senate, Dalhousie University, Halifax
Presentation – “Transforming Information Sciences”
Abstract: As the information disciplines continue to experience rapid changes and developments, this session will explore the extent to which information science education continues meet the needs of these changes and to provide learning opportunities for new and experienced information management professionals.
Dr. Louise Spiteri (She/her) is a professor in the School of Information Management, Dalhousie University, Halifax, where she serves also as the Chair of Dalhousie Senate. Her research interests span the following areas: social tagging and folksonomies; linked data; the contribution of user-generated metadata to library catalogues and readers’ advisory services; knowledge organization systems; enterprise use of social media, and online zero-waste communities.
Dr. Robert Weisman – Professor – University of Ottawa, CEO Build The Vision Inc., President ISACA and AEA Ottawa Chapters
Presentation – “Structured Planning Leading to Digital Transformation Success”
Robert Weisman, PhD, PEng, PMP, CD1 is a professor at the University of Ottawa in the Digital Transformation and Innovation Program where he created the Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Enterprise Modeling courses at the graduate and undergraduate level.
Robert spent 30 years in government starting as a civil and military engineer specializing in Plans and Operations and was in the forefront of the digital transformation of Canadian Forces command and control. He ended his career in Strategic Direction of the Defence Information Services Organization. Subsequently he spent 10 years at CGI as an executive management consultant at CGI where he founded the global EA practice and consulted with governments in the US, Canada, Europe / NATO, and Australia. He re-retired and joined academia to get pursue a PhD in DTI in 2019 and teach. He is also the CEO of Build The Vision Inc. where he works closely with The Open Group Architecture and Archimate Forums as well as the cross-Forum “EA in Government” WG. He volunteers as president of both the ISACA Ottawa Valley and the Association of Enterprise Architects Ottawa-Gatineau Chapters as well as Chairing the Annual DTiG Conference.
Yvan Gauthier – Head of Artificial Intelligence Accelerator at National Research Council Canada
Presentation – “Accelerating the Adoption of AI in the Government of Canada: Challenges and Opportunities”
Abstract: The Government of Canada (GC) is in the midst of an exciting and unprecedented transformation as it adopts new means of doing business based on digital technologies. However, few GC organisations can be considered mature in their adoption of analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) and the majority of them are still working on their data foundations. To help GC departments and agencies progress through their AI journey, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) recently established a new AI Accelerator. It leverages the world-class expertise of NRC scientists to help other departments deliver impactful, innovative, and responsible AI solutions contributing to the GC digital transformation. This presentation will describe the particular challenges involved in conducting data analytics and AI in government settings, how government leaders should select the right AI projects to demonstrate value early on, and examples of AI solutions that the NRC developed for government.
Yvan currently heads the AI Accelerator Lab at the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada. Formerly he was Director of Data Science in the Department of National Defence and previously an operations research analyst in Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) and the United Kingdom Defence and Science and Technology (DSTI) Laboratory.
He has an MSc (Carleton University) as well as graduate certificates in Management (London School of Economics), Data Science (Harvard University) and Public Policy (Harvard Kennedy School).
Jac van Beek, FCMC – Executive in Residence and Director of Graduate Programs in Engineering Management at Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ottawa
Presentation – “Preparing the Workforce of the Future”
Abstract: There has been an accelerated adoption of digital business platforms in the past few years, driven in large part by the necessity to create virtual environments for all aspects of home, work and school. The University of Ottawa literally shifted to a virtual program delivery model over one weekend towards the end of our Winter Term in 2020. While the first classes looked very much like a broadcast version of the preceding in-class version, that has changed over the past few years.
Changes in the workplace are no less dramatic as workers will need to have greater literacy in digital technologies and an aptitude for using it to solve a range of organizational and community problems. It appears that technology savvy has become the difference maker for many organizations and re-skilling is an important source of talent.
University of Ottawa has launched an online master’s in engineering management program that teaches critical new skill areas to experienced working engineers, augmenting their technical capabilities with a variety of experiential lessons in leadership, management, product development, project and operational management, and data analytics. This program represents a potential model for future programs because of how it is designed, who is involved, how it is delivered and the fact that students never set foot on the campus.
This presentation provides an opportunity for the audience to see how digital technologies are being harnessed to prepare the workforce of the future.
Jac van Beek has worked in senior leadership roles in national science and engineering institutions, international consultancies, emerging special purpose enterprises, and as CEO of a national certifying body. Throughout his career, he has served on advisory boards, worked with national boards, and presented at several national and international technical, professional, and policy-oriented conferences. He has also blogged about issues related to leadership, contributed chapters to an annual review entitled Innovation, Science, Environment: Canadian Policies and Performance, organized and presented at national conferences, and provided key national community input to ISO 20700, the international standard for management consulting organizations. In his capacity as a leader, he has created and led national workshops, designed and orchestrated critical direction-setting initiatives, advocated on behalf of business, appeared before parliamentary committees, and funded international Big Science installations.
Professor van Beek has regularly shared his experiences with future leaders through his work with AIESEC, as a part-time professor at University of Ottawa for the past 25 years, through social media, and currently as director of graduate programs in engineering management at the University of Ottawa.
Martin Bernier – Chief Information Officer – University of Ottawa (uOttawa)
Presentation – “Using EA to Support Digital Transformation at uOttawa”
Martin Bernier was named chief information officer (CIO) of the University of Ottawa in April 2018.
He has more than 25 years in the fields of information technology and organizational transformation, having worked in the North American and European public and private sectors. Before joining uOttawa, Martin performed similar executive functions at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the National Capital Commission and Brookfield Renewable Partners. He has also held executive advisory positions in the health sector.
As CIO, Martin shapes the University’s technological direction, while overseeing IT initiatives and digital information security. A strong advocate of change management, he believes in taking calculated risks to yield high-impact results and seize opportunities.
Ilva Peci – Interim Senior Director IT Solutions – uOttawa
Ilva Peci has more than 17 years of IT experience, leading high-performance teams in the Private and Public sectors. Ilva is passionate about building people and delivering value to improve client experience. She holds a valid PMP certificate and has successfully delivered custom applications and COTS solutions of varying sizes. Ilva believes working in partnership with clients is fundamental in delivering business value.
Ilva is a MSc Candidate in Digital Transformation and Innovation at uOttawa.
Stephanie Pereira – Senior Business Analyst & Business Architect – uOttawa
Stephanie Pereira has over 15 years’ experience in IT, business analysis and process improvement. She leads a dynamic team of business analysts and is passionate about building a culture of innovation and delivering business value. She is CBAP and CSPO certified and has successfully contributed to a wide range of projects. She has experience in Agile, Waterfall, Scrum and Lean Six Sigma methodologies. In 2019, Stephanie joined the Office of the CIO as a Business Architect where she has helped to build up uOttawa’s enterprise architecture practice and establish uOttawa’s Higher Education Capability Model to help guide capability-based planning.
Matthew Whelen – Transport Canada
Presentation – “Fostering Digital Tools at Transport Canada to Support Supply Chain Planning and Growth”
Abstract: Transport Canada (TC) recognizes the importance of investing in physical infrastructure to improve transportation system resilience and performance. However, given how rapidly supply chains and networks need to be able to adjust to sudden shocks, there is also a need to develop the necessary digital infrastructure and advanced analytics to support better optimization of existing capacity, to foster resiliency to critical parts of the network, and improve coordination across modes. Developing modern digital supply chain performance management systems and common data-sharing platforms are essential to support these broader public policy objectives and TC supports stakeholders and the industry through funding and engagement initiatives. The Supply Chain Visibility Project at the Port of Vancouver is a good early-stages case of how supply chain digitalization can be deployed as a multimodal performance and traffic management tool. TC supported the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA) with the pilot phase, which focused on developing a near real-time digital dashboard for three export bulk commodities – grain, coal and fertilizer – handled through rail and bulk terminals.
Matthew Whelen is an economic analyst in the Transportation Economic & Analysis directorate at Transport Canada. In his role, Matthew supports policy development and decision making through the application of transportation and economic data and innovative tools. He works with a team that specializes in performance and capacity analysis of multi-modal transportation systems with a specific focus on container and grain supply chains. Over the last 5 years, Matthew has worked closely with Canadian Port Authorities and supply chain stakeholders to support the development of innovative tools and data platforms. Matthew has master’s degree in Engineering from Carleton University with a specialization in transportation and he resides in Ottawa where you can find him exploring the city’s biking and ski trails.
Kevin Herman – Senior Business Architecture Advisor – Employment and Social Development Canada
Presentation – “Linking Business Strategy with Digital Transformation through Capabilities”
Abstract: As governments look towards developing new ways of working and providing modernized services, there is a need to ensure that these efforts ultimately deliver on the desired outcomes of those receiving the service, as well as those delivering them. Using the language of capabilities, the business can clearly communicate intent, ensure that digital transformation is focused on “doing the right things”, and that all aspects of those capabilities (process, organization, information and technology) are considered in solution development. This addresses age-old paradigms of “solutions looking for problems”, silo-ed improvement efforts, and endless IT investments that never fully realize their value.
Kevin Herman has been spearheading the Business Architecture practice for 6 years as part of Transformation Management at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). Kevin has supported many major transformation efforts within the department over his 21-year career as a developer, IT project manager, business analyst, and business architect, which include Employment Insurance Claims Processing Automation, Enabling Services Renewal, and Service Canada’s overall Service Transformation plans and initiatives.
Dr. Asif Gill – Professor and Leader of the DigiSAS Research and Innovation Lab, and Agile Software Development Studio (SDS) at the University of Technology Sydney (Australia)
Presentation – “Architecting Intelligent Enterprises: Digital Strategy, Architecture & Innovation”
Abstract: This talk will discuss the adaptive enterprise architecture and aims to address the following key questions:
• What are the key elements of an intelligent enterprise: purpose, structure, behavior, and value proposition?
• How to architect an intelligent enterprise: an architecture approach?
• How to enable intelligence in an enterprise: data, analytics, and intelligence (AI/ML)?
Asif is digital strategy, architecture, and innovation advisor. He has PhD Computing, MSc Computing and Master of Business. He is a founding director of Infoagility. He is an associate professor, and leader of the DigiSAS Research and Innovation Lab, and Agile Software Development Studio (SDS) at the School of Computer Science, UTS.
He has more than 20 years of experience in IT across different industry verticals, specialising in agile software development, enterprise architecture, information (data, analytics, intelligence) architecture and governance. He is working with a number of large, SMEs and start-ups in Australia and helping them with their digital and innovation journey.
He is an internationally recognised thought leader and author of the Action Design Research & Innovation, Adaptive Enterprise Architecture, Agile Software Solution, and Digital Ecosystem Information frameworks. He is a member of the ACS Data Sharing Committee, DAMA, ISACA, Standards Australia Systems Engineering Committee (IT-015).
Day 02 – 15 June 2022
Dr. Alvin B. Marcelo, M.D – Chief Medical Information Officer of the St. Luke’s Medical Center and Executive Director of the Asia eHealth Information Network (
Presentation – “Building Digital Health Infrastructure in Support of Universal Health Care in ASEAN”
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the need for good data governance within government. The Asia eHealth Information Network was created by the World Health Organization to support its member countries with their digital health transformation. Realizing that expertise in national scale health information systems, AeHIN started out as a small group of leaders in government, academe, and non-government organizations intent in learning from each other’s experience. To date it has more than 1000 members and champions the Mind the GAPS framework — an acronym the network created to stand for governance, architecture, program management, standards and interoperability – the four major areas where governments must grow to be able to lead digital health transformation in their countries.
Dr. Alvin B. Marcelo is a general and trauma surgeon by training who is currently chief medical information officer of the St. Luke’s Medical Center and executive director of the Asia eHealth Information Network ( Prior to this, he served as senior vice-president and chief information officer of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth). As the director of the University of the Philippines Manila National Telehealth Center and chief of the Medical Informatics Unit, Dr. Marcelo established the Master of Science in Health Informatics program and conducted local and international research in the field of eHealth and health information systems development. He took his postdoctoral fellowship in medical informatics at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland with research interests in telepathology, mobile computing, and bibliometric analysis of MEDLINE content. Dr Marcelo previously managed the International Open Source Network for ASEAN+3, a centre of excellence in free and/or open source software established by UNDP, and advises the Community Health Information Tracking System (or CHITS) , a Stockholm Challenge finalist in the health category in 2006. He is the Philippine representative to the Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) and the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA). Dr Marcelo is certified in the governance of enterprise IT (CGEIT –, The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF –, and Archimate, and COBIT5 Foundation/Implementation.
Dr. Pallab Saha – The Open Group – General Manager (India)
Presentation – “Digital Government Transformation in India: Emergency, Convergence and Coherence”
Abstract: Dr. Saha will discuss the Government of India Digital Transformation Vision including the achievements and challenges facing government executives.
As General Manager (India) at The Open Group, a standards development organization, is responsible for all of its business operations and growth in India and the region. Dr. Saha has been featured by Forbes. A MeitY-NeGD Senior Lead Expert in Enterprise Architecture and a Visiting Professor of Digital Architecture at the Indian Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam. He has been a visiting faculty at the LBSNAA, Mussoorie. Dr. Saha advises various Ministries and States on matters pertaining to government-wide architecture initiatives. He has been a key contributing author of the India Enterprise Architecture (IndEA) Framework and the Digital Service Standard (DSS), and the co-author of the Agile IndEA Framework playing a critical role in these being notified as national standards. He has successfully advanced enterprise architecture as a discipline through thought-leadership and advocacy activities, solidifying the value, visibility, and impact of open standards, particularly in the government and public sector domain.
Dr. Saha is an invited faculty in the eGovernance Leadership and Champions Programme designed for senior strategy level government officers. He is currently involved as an expert in Digital Transformation of Administration and Governance (DigiTAG) initiative of the Government of India, aimed at creating tech-savvy bureaucrats. He has been a member of the high-level committee involved in the development of India’s National Digital Health Blueprint for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. His work has been used as a primary reference for the SDG Digital Investment Framework by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU),, and has authored ITU’s thematic report on Digital Transformation. He collaborates with ITU and other international bodies and advises countries on digital government architecture. Dr. Saha was the Chief Architect to Andhra Pradesh State Enterprise Architecture (ePragati) taking it to international prominence. He is a two-time recipient of the Microsoft research grant supported by the UN, and a joint recipient of the Innovation Fund by the Land Transport Authority of Singapore. His work has been widely cited globally. He has been a visiting researcher to the UN University, an expert reviewer to the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) EA Tech Pack and an invited faculty at Carnegie Mellon University.
Previously, as Head of Wipro’s Government and Public Sector Architecture Practice, he was instrumental in creating a government focused architecture domain, and was selected as an elite Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS). Dr. Saha has published five books on enterprise architecture.
Dr. Saha holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and received the best research design and best thesis awards for his doctorate. He is an alumnus of the MIT Sloan Executive Program and Wipro Business Leaders’ Program.
Scott Taylor – Director General Digital Enablement, Shared Services Canada (SSC)
Presentation – “Shared Services Canada’s Digital Transformation Role within the Government of Canada”
Abstract: The creation of Shared Services Canada (SSC) was a transformative event for the Government of Canada’s (GC) information technology (IT) landscape. At the onset, SSC was given an ambitious mandate to modernize and consolidate the GC’s IT infrastructure. Today, 7,100 SSC employees support the technology needs of over 200,000 federal public servants and handle about 600,000 requests and 100,000 incidents per year. SSC takes an enterprise approach that builds upon other GC programs such as the Cloud First Adoption Strategy, and the Directive on Automated Decision-Making for the responsible use of artificial intelligence.
A decade later, SSC has steadily marched towards its goal of building modern, reliable, and secure digital platforms that meet the needs of Canadians, today and tomorrow. Although influential events such as the GC’s move to the cloud and most recently, the Covid 19 pandemic challenge us to adapt and change, the goal of delivering modern digital tools to our partners remains firmly fixed in our sights.
After completing a post-secondary diploma in Computer Science in 1987, Scott Taylor began his military career by joining the Royal Canadian Navy as a Maritime Surface/Sub-Surface (MARS) Officer in 1989. He served in numerous combat and supply ships in a wide variety of roles, In 1995, he was posted to the Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel ship building project in Ottawa as the Training Development Officer and the Operational Requirements Manager. Scott left the Regular Force in 1998 but stayed in uniform as a Class A Reservist with HMCS CARLETON in Ottawa until 2007.
Between 1998 and 2005, Scott worked as an IT professional in the private sector filling diverse roles including Data Center Manager, Database Administrator, Architect, Wireless and Network Administrator.
In 2005, Scott joined the Information Management Group within Canada’s Department of National Defence (DND) and in 2011, was appointed the Director of Information Management and Capability Development, working for the Defence Chief Information Officer.
In 2016, Scott took on a one-year assignment with Public Services and Procurement Canada as the Director of the Partner Service Management Office. He then moved to Shared Service Canada (SSC) in 2017 as the Senior Director of Service Delivery Management and executive responsible for the National Defence and Veterans Affairs portfolios. In 2019, Scott was appointed as the Director General of Security Management and Governance and was responsible for enterprise risk management, security architecture and the departmental Cyber Security Program.
Scott is now the Director General of Digital Enablement in the Chief Technology Officer Branch at SSC and leads a group of highly skilled professionals tasked with the research and development of new, innovative, and disruptive technologies. Their goal is to define the digital roadmaps for services delivered by SSC and to Government of Canada partners.
Dr. Yolanda Martinez – Overall Lead GovStack Initiative, Digital Development Bureau, International Telecommunications Union (United Nations)
Presentation – “GovStack – Empowering Societies to Chart their Digital Future”
I am a Digital Government and Development Expert, passionate about public sector innovation, digital inclusion, #ICT4SDG´s, govtech, the convergence use of emerging technologies for social good, girls & women in tech.
I work for the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as overall lead for GovStack Initiative (, helping governments accelerate the digitization of government services and #ICT4SDGs
I have extensive experience in digital development, digital government, open data, and digital skills. I have led multiple interdisciplinary teams for digital service design and delivery at the local, federal and international levels. I have advised multiple public, private, and international organizations on digital transformation.
Yolanda has a PhD (in Knowledge and the Information Society – Catalunya), has a Masters in Public Policy and Management (Carnegie Mellon – Fulbright Scholar) and a Bachelor in Information Technology.
Deniz Susar – Governance and Public Administration Officer – Digital Government Branch, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government, United Nations Dept of Economics and Social Affairs
Presentation – “United Nations E-Government Survey Methodology and Global Trends”
Abstract: Since its inception in 2001, the United Nations E-Government Survey has become an indispensable ranking, mapping, and measuring development tool for digital ministers, policymakers and analysts delving into comparative analysis and contemporary research on e-government. The Survey tracks progress of e-government development via the United Nations E-Government Development Index (EGDI) which assesses e-government development at the national level. For local level development, the upcoming 2022 Survey will cover the most populous city in each of the 193 UN Member States and will continue to promote the use of ICTs for e-government progress and international cooperation at national and local levels.
Deniz Susar’s main work areas include e-government, internet governance, smart cities, artificial intelligence, ICT indicators and in general using ICTs for sustainable development in general. He takes active role in preparation of annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) meetings and its inter-sessional work. He also leads UN DESA activities on World Summit on Information Society (WSIS). He coordinates the work on smart cities with the Local Online Service Index (LOSI) as part of the United Nations E-Government Survey.
Deniz represents UN DESA in the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development and works on ICT indicators to track progress in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He holds a Master Degree on International Political Economy and Development from Fordham University, New York, and a Computer Engineering degree from the Bogazici University of Istanbul.
Gita Nurlaila – Manager – Government of Canada Enterprise Architecture
Presentation – “GC Enterprise Architecture – Overview, Policy Requirements and its Role in Shaping the Digital Transformation of the GC”
Abstract: As the Government of Canada evolve its Digital Transformation’s activities, the role of Enterprise Architecture in the GC has become more pronounced. Since the first inception of GC Enterprise Architecture Review Board (GC EARB) in 2017, more and more departments have come to an understanding of the importance of having a good overview of their overall IT systems and create a Target Architecture of their IT systems to optimize their operations in order to provide a better service to Canadians. Because of this, the adoption of Enterprise Architecture has increased dramatically over the years. Through various engagements and evolution of the GC Enterprise Architecture framework that follows industry trends to meet the departmental operational needs, we have seen great improvements of IM/IT implementations throughout the GC.
This presentation will present the EA story that include governance, policy evolution and guidance that helps the GC to establish and maintain their EA practices until today.
Gita graduated a BSc in Engineering program from the University of New Brunswick in 1995, and then started at the National Research Council (Ottawa) while completing her Master’s Degree in Engineering at the University of Ottawa. Finishing in 1997, she started at Newbridge Networks (currently known as Nokia) as a Software Engineer and then gradually moved to managerial role in 2005 after she had completed her MBA from University of Ottawa. In 2008 she started working for the RCMP wearing multiple hats at once from Business Analyst, Quality Assurance, Project Lead and Relationship & IT Portfolio Manager for various projects, such as Winter Olympics, G8/G20, Health Modernization, Criminal Justice Information System, Command & Control and Situational Awareness for the Emergency Response Team and collaborating with The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). In 2018 Gita transferred to Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) to help establish the GC Enterprise Architecture for the Government of Canada.
Pascale Elvas – Executive Director, Priorities and Planning, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Presentation – “Digital Transformation in the Government of Canada: Enabling Government in the Digital Age”
Pascale is currently the Executive Director of Strategic Policy at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. She oversees four teams: Strategic Policy; Experimentation; Priorities Integration and Canada’s Free Agent program.
Based in Ottawa, Canada, Pascale was a founder and Senior Director at the Canadian Digital Service. She was specially deployed at the beginning of the pandemic to lead the digital service delivery on Canada’s Covid-19 Taskforce.
Before that, Pascale was the Director of the Blueprint 2020 National Secretariat. She joined the Secretariat at launch, and led a core team in seeking views about how to create a public service that is open, networked and makes smart use of technology.
Pascale was a founding member of Shared Services Canada, created in 2011 to manage the Government’s IT infrastructure. She worked in the President’s office for three years.
As a volunteer, Pascale served as Co-Chair of the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign. In this capacity, she co-founded ProjectBe – which has raised over half a million dollars for youth fundraising causes to date.
With a background in sociology, Pascale is passionate about the human aspect of where public policy and digital meet. She is the recipient of a Public Service Award of Excellence for innovation.
Dr. Ransford Mensah – Country Lead, United Nations – Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL)
Presentation – “Sierra Leone eGov Case Study: The Experiences and Perspectives”
Abstract: The case study will cover the development of a Digital transformation roadmap and Government Enterprise Architecture blueprint for the Government of Sierra Leone.
Dr. Ransford Mensah is the Country Manager for the UN Foundation Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) in Sierra Leone where he leads a team of IT practitioners in developing a Digital transformation roadmap and Government Enterprise Architecture blueprint for the Government of Sierra Leone.
He is a strong advocate and practitioner of design thinking techniques and approaches to solve complex problems, and he brings to his consulting work a pragmatic approach based on many years experience in private and development sector. He specialises in enterprise architecture, project management, change management, IT service management, training and capacity building.
In the last 13 years Ransford has consulted for many international organizations such as the UNDP, UNCDF, USAID, AfDB and GIZ in the areas of Digital Transformation and Capacity building.
Ransford holds a PhD in Information Systems from Queensland, Australia, a Masters in Engineering Business Management, Coventry University, UK and a first degree in Computer Engineering, KNUST, Ghana. He is certified in TOGAF 9.2, PMP, ITIL Expert, COBIT 5, PRINCE2 Practitioner, Prosci Change Management, Agile Scrum Master, CISA and Ethical Hacking
Bruno Ouellet – Director Enterprise Architecture, Canadian Border Services Agency
Presentation – “CBSA Architecture Program: a Digitalization Enabler”
Abstract: Over the last decade, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has evolved its enterprise architecture program to the point that it is now seen as one of the most mature within the Government of Canada. The CBSA Architecture Program (CAP), grounded in TOGAF, is a business architecture driven program that encompasses all key architecture domains: Information/Data/Privacy, Applications, Technology and Security architecture domains. The CAP mandate is to provide modern architecture services to fully supports the Agency optimization and digital transformation agenda. As such, the CAP tracks societal and governmental innovations, develops related strategic architecture direction in alignment with GC direction and industry best practices, develops and maintains a CBSA digital twin (CBSA Reference Architecture) used to understand the CBSA architecture structure and assess transformational impact and, finally, assesses/guides the compliance of all transformational initiatives as they are being realised. The CAP also has its own governance mechanism up to the CBSA Architecture Review Board. The aim of this presentation is to expose how the CAP operates and support digital transformation.
Bruno Ouellet completed a 26-year career in the Canadian Forces as Army Signal Officer. During that period, he served in multiple land and static signal positions, was employed in some cyber security positions and has also spent over 10 years as project director and project manager in the delivery of major projects related to land communication systems. As Major, he was also appointed commandant of the Canadian Forces Crypto Support Unit and as LCol he was appointed Commandant of the Canadian Joint Operational Command Headquarters. In Dec 2013, he retired from the Canadian Forces and joined CBSA as the Director Enterprise Architecture until now. Bruno completed a bachelor’s in computer science (with Dean’s mention), and a master’s degree also in Computer Science with a specialization in ad hoc wireless networking from Université du Québec in Outaouais.
Stephen D. Burt – Chief Data Officer / Dirigeant principal des données – Government of Canada
Presentation – Panel Discussion – “Creating a Strong Chief Data Officer (CDO) Organization”
Abstract: This panel will be led by Stephen Burt, the new Chief Data Officer for the Government of Canada. He will provide a vision and then moderate a discussion amongst several of his executive colleagues about the establishment of the CDO.
In March 2022, Stephen Burt was appointed Chief Data Officer for the Government of Canada, at the Treasury Board Secretariat. His mandate is to provide leadership across government on information and data governance and integration, privacy modernization, and data-enabled digital services and programs.
Prior to this appointment, Mr. Burt was the functional authority for data governance and analytics capability for the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF). He drove the analytics adoption and maturity throughout DND/CAF and led the department-wide initiative to establish analytics and data governance.
Mr. Burt began his career in the Government of Canada in 1997 with Revenue Canada. In 1999, he joined DND, where he worked in a variety of policy, operational and defence intelligence roles, including two years as Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minister.
Mr. Burt moved to the Privy Council Office (PCO) in 2007 to work in the Security and Intelligence Secretariat as Senior Advisor on National Security. In that role, he was secretary for the committees of the National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister. In 2009, he joined the Intelligence Assessment Secretariat (IAS) at PCO, and held positions as Director for Afghanistan and, later, for Asia. Mr. Burt was appointed Director of Operations for the IAS in January 2012 and took on the position of Assistant Secretary on an acting basis in March 2014.
In April 2015, Mr. Burt assumed the role of Assistant Chief of Defence Intelligence at Canadian Forces Intelligence Command, where he led the federated production of intelligence within DND/CAF and oversaw defence intelligence policy.
Mr. Burt has an undergraduate degree in history from the University of Ottawa, as well as a Master’s in Public Administration from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.
Robert Trottier – A/Executive Director, Information and Data Governance – Government of Canada
Robert Trottier graduated from the IM/IT Management Development Program in April 2012 and currently occupies the position of Executive Director, Information and Data Governance in the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). In his current role, Robert is responsible for developing a framework for information and data governance. His work will harmonize the policies and practices of information management and data governance. This work will also provide modern ways of managing data and information as strategic assets.
In his previous role at TBS, Robert was the Executive Director, Digital Policy and was responsible for developing and maintaining strategic partnerships with core service departments, and to work effectively with the Privy Council Office and colleagues in TBS to advance the strategic agenda for digital government.
Robert also provided leadership into the creation of a Digital Policy Division within OCIO that integrated existing policy centers on information management, information technology, service and cyber security to achieve the development of a single digital policy and drive the transformation towards digital government. With more than 20 years of government experience in IM, IT and Cyber Security, Robert is excited to leverage his strong horizontal network to shape the future of the GC.
One of his favorite quotes would be: If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough – Mario Andretti
Jennifer Schofield – Executive Director, Information and Privacy Policy, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Jennifer Schofield is the Executive Director of Information and Privacy Policy at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. She is responsible for leading government wide policy work related to access to information, proactive publication, and privacy and data protection. Jennifer began her career in government in 1999 in the field of disability pensions, but quickly realized her love of privacy and transparency issues and has been working in these areas since 2001 in a number of institutions such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Global Affairs Canada and Public Safety Canada. Jennifer has also worked in the Office of the Privacy Commissioner as a Senior Privacy Investigator and with the Office of the Information Commissioner as a Director of Investigations. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with a Minor in Law from Carleton University.
Benoit Deshaies – A/Director of Data and Artificial Intelligence, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Benoit studied computer science at Carleton University in Ottawa. He is acting Director of Data and Artificial Intelligence at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS). He directs the development of the Directive on Automated Decision-Making and the Algorithmic Impact Assessment (AIA). These policy tools ensure that Automated Decision Systems are deployed in a manner that reduces risks to Canadians and federal institutions, and lead to more efficient, accurate, consistent, and interpretable decisions.
Dr. Robert Weisman – Professor – University of Ottawa, CEO Build The Vision Inc., President ISACA and AEA Ottawa Chapters
Presentation – “Embedding Innovation into Government Digital Transformation”
Abstract: Innovation is a pervasive term that has characterized commerce and governments since the renaissance. The advent of the latest round of information technology has been problematic and has cost governments time and money in too many failed attempts to improve the quality of life of citizens and the economy. This presentation examines some of the main causes of digital transformation failure and how the application of existing practices can address them.
Robert Weisman, PhD, PEng, PMP, CD1 is a professor at the University of Ottawa in the Digital Transformation and Innovation Program where he created the Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Enterprise Modeling courses at the graduate and undergraduate level.
Robert spent 30 years in government starting as a civil and military engineer specializing in Plans and Operations and was in the forefront of the digital transformation of Canadian Forces command and control. He ended his career in Strategic Direction of the Defence Information Services Organization. Subsequently he spent 10 years at CGI as an executive management consultant at CGI where he founded the global EA practice and consulted with governments in the US, Canada, Europe / NATO, and Australia. He re-retired and joined academia to get pursue a PhD in DTI in 2019 and teach. He is also the CEO of Build The Vision Inc. where he works closely with The Open Group Architecture and Archimate Forums as well as the cross-Forum “EA in Government” WG. He volunteers as president of both the ISACA Ottawa Valley and the Association of Enterprise Architects Ottawa-Gatineau Chapters as well as Chairing the Annual DTiG Conference.
Christian Sauvé – Manager of the Enterprise Architecture Group at the Public Service Commission
Presentation – “Evolving Enterprise Architecture and Digital Transformation in a Small Agency”
Abstract: Crises and transformation both require adaptability and creativity. How can an Enterprise Architecture (EA) group evolve its approach to be a valuable partner when everything is being questioned? How can EA in small organizations take advantage of their influence to steer major projects, shape governance and set the pace of digital transformation. This session will describe how the Enterprise Architecture team at the Public Service Commission has been able contribute effectively to the organization’s ability to respond to new challenges.
Christian Sauvé is the manager of the Enterprise Architecture group at the Public Service Commission. His experience in web systems development, corporate IM/IT governance, client portfolio management, science-fiction writing, movie reviewing and Lego bricks building have all led him to Enterprise Architecture. He lives between Gatineau, QC and
Dr. Eric Champagne – Professor Public Administration and Director, Centre of Governance UOttawa
Presentation – “Intergovernmental Relations in the Context of Governmental Digitalization Initiatives”
Abstract: Intergovernmental relations refer to the set of formal and informal channels through which governments from different levels cooperate and jointly act upon policy matters. These policy matters usually involve complex problems that span across governmental boundaries, thus creating the need for a cooperative approach to tackle them. In the context of digitalization, such relations gain new contours in the face of increasing demands for seamless, integrated, and streamlined digital services. On the one hand, digitalization creates unparalleled opportunities for governments to work together on projects of common interest, promote mutual learning, and scale-up solutions. On the other, it also leaves room for conflicts around the strategies to adopt and accountability weaknesses. In this presentation, we will unpack some of the most pressing issues in intergovernmental relations in the digital age. Based on case studies, we will discuss the most common challenges to intergovernmental relations in the context of digitalization. We will also analyze best practices that illustrate how governments can overcome difficulties and draw on the potential of digitalization to leverage intergovernmental relations.
Eric Champagne, PhD is an Associate Professor in Public Administration at the School of Political Studies and Director of the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa. He is teaching courses in theory and practice of public management and governance, program evaluation, research methods, and public policy development. His current research focuses on multilevel governance, particularly the role of municipalities and large cities in the financing and implementation of transportation, municipal infrastructure, and the digital transformation of the public sector. He is currently a co-investigator in the University of Ottawa’s Forum on Water Law and Governance. In 2020, he won the Pierre DeCelles Award for Excellence in Teaching Public Administration presented jointly by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) and the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration (CAPPA).
Silvana Gomes – PhD Candidate – Public Administration – UOttawa
Silvana Gomes is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Administration at the University of Ottawa. She is affiliated with the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa and the Institute for Applied Economic Research in Brazil. She holds a Master’s degree in Political Science and a Bachelor of Laws from Fluminense Federal University. Her research interests include federalism, multi-level governance, digital government, and innovation in the public sector.
Rachel Porteous – Chief Information Officer – Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)
Presentation – “Automating Core FIU Business Through Digital Transformation”
Abstract: FINTRAC CIO Rachel Porteous explores the cultural, technological, and security challenges of transforming the Centre while navigating a global pandemic.
Ms Porteous is a distinguished Senior Executive with over 30 years of IM/IT experience; proven track record of successes in developing solutions that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of IT and business operations. Strong leader able to drive transformations and service delivery while developing high performing teams.
Ms Porteous has been the Chief Information Officer at FINTRAC since January of 2019. She was the Chief Information Officer at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) from 2017 to 2019. Prior to IRCC, Ms. Porteous occupied the position of Chief Technology Officer at Public Services and Procurement Canada and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) where she managed multiple multimillion-dollar projects across those departments. She started her career at Indian and Northern Affairs Department where she excelled in multiple IM/IT positions.
Ms. Porteous holds a Bachelor of Applied Science, with a Major in Computer Science from the Université du Québec en Outaouais. She is a mother of 2 daughters and volunteers in two non-for-profit organization, the CIO Association of Canada and the Association of Public Sector Information Professionals (DPI).
Day 03 – 16 June 2022
Gry Hasselbalch, PhD – Research Lead and Senior Key Expert on AI Ethics in the International Outreach for a Human-Centric Approach to Artificial Intelligence (
Presentation – “Data Ethics of Power – A Global Human Approach in the Big Data and AI Era”
Abstract: Everyday life, and the world, has transformed with the effortless, costless, and seamless extra layer of digital data and AI. This talk explores the ethical implications of the processes of the digitization of a changing world offering both a historical account and an analysis that may guide governance practices and global collaboration with a human-centric approach to AI and big data. Shedding light on the constant tensions that exist between ethical principles and the interests invested in this socio-technical transformation, the talk provides a humanist philosophical foundation for revising and developing future policies.
Gry Hasselbalch PhD. is an author and scholar specialised in the powers and interests of the big data and AI era. She co-founded the European thinkdotank in 2015 and is Research Director of Research.
Gry was a member of the EU High Level Expert Group on AI that developed EU’s AI ethics guidelines, coined the term “Trustworthy AI” and contributed directly to the EU’s AI strategy.
Today she is the Research Lead and Senior Key Expert on AI Ethics in the International Outreach for a Human-Centric Approach to Artificial Intelligence ( initiative that aims to support the European Commission to engage with international partners on regulatory and ethical matters and to promote the responsible development of trustworthy AI at global level. She is furthermore leading the Data Pollution & Power Initiative at the University of Bonn’s Institute of Science and Ethics’ Sustainable AI Lab.
She is the author of the critically acclaimed book Data Ethics of Power – A Human Approach in the Big Data and AI Era, published with Edward Elgar in 2021 and Data Ethics- The New Competitive Advantage (Hasselbalch & Tranberg) published in 2016. Gry has a PhD. in data ethics from the University of Copenhagen.
Robert W. (Bob) Gordon – Strategic Advisor of the Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange (CCTX)
Presentation – “The Cyber Landscape in the New Cold War”
Abstract: This presentation will address the changed operating environment with COVID-19 resulting in a ‘doing it remotely’ lifestyle, social distancing, and working and shopping from home. The Business response was based on an accelerated technological transformation. The challenges included the adaptation of complex systems and patching difficult to update legacy systems. Cyber criminals & nation states seized this opportunity to raise havoc.
Bob is the Strategic Advisor of the Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange (CCTX), Canada’s private sector organization for the sharing and analysis of cyber threat information and enabling collaboration across all sectors. Most recently, Bob was the Executive Director of the CCTX. Prior to this, he was a Director, Global Cyber Security at CGI. Bob also enjoyed a long and successful career in the Federal Government, that included being the architect of Canada’s first Cyber Security Strategy for which he received the Deputy Minister’s Achievement Award.
Bob has had a unique career in several Canada’s security, intelligence and law enforcement organizations: Public Safety Canada, Communications Security Establishment, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He held senior executive positions, including at the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister level. He was responsible for science and technology, information management/information technology, and internal security programs (personnel, physical and information technology). Bob has also provided operational leadership in investigating and analyzing the full range of threats to the security of Canada, which included leading the CSIS Counter Terrorism program.
Bob is also a member of the Board of Directors for Quantum Safe Canada, a member of the Advisory Council on the Modernization of Microdata Access with Statistics Canada, and the Advisory Board for the Master of Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence program with the University of Guelph.
Ima Okonny – Chief Data Officer at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Presentation – “Data strategy implementation in a Major Government Department in the era of digital transformation”
Abstract: Enhancing service delivery and meeting growing expectations require the evolution of data strategies and governance structures to address key gaps and enable the right client-centric insights at the right time. This presentation discusses work being undertaken at Employment and Social Development Canada to develop enterprise data and analytics capabilities and provide timely evidence-based insight – with the required security, legal, ethical and privacy protocols maintained.
Key words: data strategies, data analytics, data stewardship and knowledge management.
Ima, the Chief Data Officer at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), has over 22 years of experience in the field of data.
She has extensive experience with building the evidence base through the development of analytical databases, building analytical tools, implementing departmental data reporting and release strategies, data management, data privacy protocols and with forward-looking policy development and research.
Ima has an educational background in Mathematics, Computer Programming and Public Management and during her time with the Government of Canada, she has received several nominations and awards for her leadership and results.
She is passionate about developing and empowering multidisciplinary teams to unleash concrete business value from data.
Biographie d’Ima Okonny:
Ima, la dirigeante principale des données d’Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC), a plus de 22 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des données.
Elle possède une vaste expérience en matière de développement de données probantes, que ce soit pour le développement de bases de données analytiques, la création d’outils analytiques, la publication ministérielle et stratégies de diffusion de données, la gestion des données, les protocoles de confidentialité des données et l’élaboration de politiques et de la recherche prospectives.
Ima a une formation en mathématiques, en programmation informatique et en gestion publique. Durant sa carrière au Gouvernement du Canada, elle a reçu multiples nominations et prix pour son leadership et ses accomplissements.
Elle se passionne pour l’autonomisation des équipes multidisciplinaires pour qu’elles tirent une valeur opérationnelle concrète des données.
Eric Sweden, MSIH MBA CGCIO – Program Director, Enterprise Architecture & Governance, National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO)
Presentation – “Driving Digital Acceleration – Perspectives from US States and Territories“
Abstract: “Digital transformation” is the key term anymore. But what states and territories have been doing for decades is “continual transformation” to stay in step with what our citizens and businesses need. NASCIO’s first video on “digital transformation” was published in 2001 – “2001 NASCIO Future of Government” and is available here: .
That video production was the culmination of significant discussion, brainstorming, and future thinking for state government.
The title for this presentation is borrowed from our 2021 Annual State CIO Survey. This presentation will summarize the findings from that report and three top ten lists for 2022. These include our Top Ten Strategies, Top Ten Technologies and our first ever Top Ten Enterprise Risks for state and territorial government in the United States.
Eric Sweden possesses 40 years of experience in senior technical and management positions within IT, business, and public & occupational health with substantial experience in business architecture, information architecture, business process enhancement, and strategy development. He has held a variety of technical and managerial roles in chemical manufacturing and telecommunications corporations and has been serving the state government CIO community since 2003.
Eric is an experienced presenter and author of a long list of guidance documents related to industry and state government IT management including enterprise architecture, enterprise IT governance, records management, digital preservation, information sharing, organizational transformation, business intelligence and analytics, cloud computing, cyber disruption response planning, government transparency, blockchain and multi-sourcing.
Eric holds an MBA from the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota; and a Masters of Science from the School of Public Health, University of Michigan. In 2016 Eric completed the PTI / Rutgers University Certified Government Chief Information Officer (CGCIO™) Program with Honors.
Po Tea-Duncan – Executive Director for Cyber Security, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS)’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) branch
Presentation – “Make Security Boring Again! Evolving Cyber Security in the Government of Canada”
Abstract: The Government of Canada (GC), like every other government and private sector organization in the world, faces ongoing and persistent cyber threats, and it has a critical role to play in protecting the information of Canadians. The GC works continuously to enhance cyber security in its services by preventing attacks through the implementation of protective security measures, identifying cyber threats and vulnerabilities, and by preparing for and responding to all kinds of cyber incidents to better protect Canada and Canadians. This includes adopting a defense-in-depth strategy in which multiple layers of security are placed throughout an IT system to provide redundancy in the event a security control fails or a vulnerability is exploited. Learn about the GC’s policy framework and the key measures it is implementing as it aims to make cyber security boring again!
Po Tea-Duncan is the Executive Director for Cyber Security within Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS)’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) branch. Po has over 20 years of experience in the federal government. She currently leads the teams enabling the delivery of secure and reliable government services through the GC’s digital identity program, enterprise security architecture, security strategy and policy development, and GC Cyber Security Event Management. In 2020, she was named as one of the Top Women in Cyber Security in Canada. Prior to joining TBS, Po served in a variety of roles at Global Affairs Canada in the areas of systems security engineering, architecture, and incident management.
Po Tea-Duncan est directrice exécutive de la Cybersécurité au sein du Bureau du dirigeant principal de l’information (BDPI), au Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada (SCT). Po compte plus de 20 ans d’expérience au sein du gouvernement fédéral. Elle dirige actuellement les équipes qui permettent la prestation de services gouvernementaux sûrs et fiables dans le cadre du Programme d’identité numérique du GC, de l’architecture de sécurité intégrée, de l’élaboration de la Stratégie et de la Politique sur la sécurité, et de la gestion des événements de cybersécurité du GC. En 2020, elle a été nommée comme étant l’une des meilleures femmes qui travaillent dans le domaine de la cybersécurité au Canada. Avant de se joindre au SCT, Po a assumé divers postes à Affaires mondiales Canada, dans les domaines de l’ingénierie de la sécurité des systèmes, de l’architecture et de la gestion des incidents.
Dr. Luciana Duranti – Professor, School of Information, University of British Columbia, Director of the UBC Centre for the International Study of Contemporary Records and Archives
Presentation – “Trusting Digital Records”
Abstract: Without trustworthy public records, people cannot prove their citizenship, their property rights, or their very identities, rendering them stateless, homeless, and helpless. While the loss of accessible public records that can be proven to be reliable, accurate, and authentic is typically associated with enormous societal or natural disruptions, we cannot overlook the threats due to sociotechnical changes that have left our public institutions staggering under an overwhelming abundance, complexity, and lack of control of digital records. Governments have been looking at ad hoc solutions for authentication, such as blockchain, and for storage and management, such as cloud services, each of which presents serious issues. Managing the volume and diversity of digital records correctly requires automated means of processing if we do not want to run the risk of losing both control on them and the trust of the public in government records. This paper will discuss how digitalization (i.e. the process of automating tasks and processes; in contrast to digitization, the process of changing record form from physical to digital) can be supported by AI tools that are developed on the basis of records and archives principles, concepts and methods, but only if such development is the result of interdisciplinary collaboration on cooperative projects and ultimately on policy and planning.
Dr. Luciana Duranti, a graduate of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, is a Professor of archival theory, diplomatics, and digital records in the master’s and doctoral archival programs of the School of Information of the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada. She is Director of the UBC Centre for the International Study of Contemporary Records and Archives and the Principal Investigator of the SSHRC funded InterPARES research project, which, since 1998, has developed theory and methods for the creation, maintenance and preservation of trustworthy digital records across technologies.
The current phase (2021-2026) is about the use of AI in records creation, recordkeeping and record preservation. Since 2015, Duranti is the Chair of the Canadian Government Standard Board Committee for the 72.34 standard on Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence. Previously, she guided the development of the US DOD 5015.2 standard for recordkeeping, and contributed to the development of the European standard MoReq 1, 2, and 10. Duranti has published extensively on the use of archival and diplomatic concepts for understanding the products of new technologies, the authenticity of digital records, and the trustworthiness of digital systems, both in-house and in an online environment.
Dr. Raul M. Abril – Officer of the European Commission and a research fellow at KU Leuven, Public Governance Institute
Presentation – Workshop – European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA)
Abstract: Dr. Abril will walk participants through the European Union Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA).
Raul M. Abril is an officer of the European Commission since 2013 and a research fellow at KU Leuven, Public Governance Institute. He is responsible for a portfolio of European programs including the European Interoperability Reference Architecture, EIRA, the eGovERA Portfolio Decision Making support and the eGovERA Digital Transformation Roadmap support.
He has +35y of IT professional services experience, most of them in the private sector and holding several senior positions including R&D Portfolio manager in a major USA IT vendor.
His knowledge domains are Research Methods (Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis), Marketing (Research, IS), IT R&D (Portfolio Mgmt, Product Mgmt), Project Mgmt, and IS & Technology (Knowledge Management, DSS, BI, Data Warehousing, DBMS, IS Design). Raul has been professor in several universities and been active publishing his research.
Raul holds a doctoral degree (Henley Management College, UK), a European PhD Certification (European Doctoral School on Knowledge Management, DK), an Ing. Sup. Informatics (UAB, ESP), and a Master’s in Project Mgmt (The George Washington University, USA).
John Linford – Security Forum Director, The Open Group
Presentation – “An Open Standard for Zero Trust Architecture”
Abstract: Zero Trust provides a modern approach to IT security, made necessary by changes in how the world operates and new, ever-evolving threats. Today, Zero Trust is recognized as an imperative by many organizations including but not limited to the US White House, NIST, and Department of Defense as well as many commercial organizations. With growing international adoption and the rapid migration of organizations to a Digital Enterprise, it is important that enterprises understand Zero Trust and provide a structure for it — an area where open standards excel.
Zero Trust is an information security approach in response to emerging security concerns on securing the organizational assets across any network. As such, it goes beyond the current notion of perimeter security alone being sufficient, to a future where assets of all sorts – data, applications, systems, APIs, secured zones, etc. – must be individually secured to provide sufficient protection.
Adopting a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is meant to enable modern organizational practices, in supporting secure collaboration between organizations and enabling remote workers, while protecting enterprise data and information assets, including control systems and APIs, by moving authorization control close to the protected asset. To achieve a Zero Trust vision, we need to use existing cybersecurity capabilities as well as creating new capabilities.
This presentation will provide an overview of the initial Zero Trust Reference Model Snapshot being developed by The Open Group, a global consortium of more than 800 member organizations across the private and public sectors that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards. We will highlight our already-published Zero Trust Core Principles White Paper and the Zero Trust Commandments, which emphasize the importance of securing assets, in particular data, and we will discuss managing multi-level security from a government perspective. We will also briefly address how our effort ties in with work on Zero Trust Architecture being completed by NIST.
John Linford is the Forum Director of The Open Group Security Forum and Open Trusted Technology Forum. As staff at The Open Group, John supports the leaders and participants of the Security Forum in utilizing the resources of The Open Group to facilitate collaboration and follow The Open Group Standards process to publish their deliverables. Prior to joining The Open Group in June 2019, John worked as a Lecturer for San Jose State University, teaching courses in Economics.
Altaz Valani – Director of Insights Research, Security Compass
Altaz Valani is the Director of Insights Research at Security Compass where he specializes in software security, threat modeling, and DevSecOps. Altaz is currently Vice Chair of The Open Group Security Forum, a Board member at OASIS, and on the SAFECode Technical Leadership Council. He participates in various industry and standards communities like IEEE, Cloud Security Alliance, and Object Management Group.
Martin St-Yves – Assistant Chief Statistician, Digital Solutions Field and Chief Information Officer
Presentation – “Enabling a data driven organization through digital transformation: A Statistics Canada perspective”
Abstract: The pandemic has significantly disrupted our lives, and forced Government across the world in making critical decisions. In this context, decision makers, more than ever, need relevant and timely data and insights.
One would think that in a data driven world, generating these insights should not be difficult. After all, a few years ago, Statistics Canada measured the value data in Canada at an estimated $217 billion dollars. But the reality is that there are many challenges in capitalizing of this rich data ecosystem to support sound decision making.
In this session, we will look at how Statistics Canada is tackling these challenges through digitalization of data analytics.
Martin St-Yves is the Chief Information Officer and Assistant Chief Statistician of the Digital Solutions Field at Statistics Canada. He holds a Master’s degree in Management Sciences from l’École des Hautes Études Commerciales in Montréal. Throughout his career, and for the last 6 years as CIO, Martin has provided strategic advices, empowering the Agency modernisation and ensuring efficient operations through innovative use of technologies and digital principles.
As part of his recent achievements, Martin led his team to deliver on a leading edge Data Analytics as a Service platform, a secure Cloud ecosystem, a modernized Cyber Security program, and a successful Census technology platform.
Martin was raised in the Montréal suburbs, Morocco and Côte d’Ivoire, and currently lives in Ottawa.
Dr. Daniel Amyot – Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Ottawa
Presentation – “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Digital Transformation and Innovation (DTI)”
Abstract: At the University of Ottawa, the Digital Transformation and Innovation (DTI) graduate program is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between the Management, Arts, and Engineering to train highly qualified professionals to create, manage, and research the profound change to our world that is happening as a result of digital technology. At its heart, the technology enables the collection and communication of huge amounts of data that transform how business and society work. It also creates a new online environment where the experience of business and social interactions by individuals are being reinvented. Innovation is an important aspect of the program that emphasizes the re-invention and creative design of user experiences in business and social interactions. In this talk, I will first reflect on the nature, successes, and future of DTI as a graduate program. Then, I will highlight several research-oriented success stories (process-goal alignment, process mining, regulatory intelligence, and the specification of legal contracts with their monitoring using smart contracts) in which some of my DTI graduate students were involved. These multi-disciplinary projects will demonstrate the relevance of DTI in industrial, governmental, and healthcare contexts.
Daniel Amyot is Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Ottawa, and Co-Director of the graduate programs in Digital Transformation and Innovation. His research interests include software engineering, scenario-based and goal-based requirements engineering, business process modelling and mining, regulatory compliance, smart contracts, and healthcare informatics. Daniel led the standardization of the User Requirements Notation, which combines goal and process modelling, at the International Telecommunication Union. He is now heavily invested in the development of Symboleo, a language for specifying, verifying, and monitoring (smart) legal contracts. He was general chair of the Requirements Engineering Conference in 2015 and program co-chair in 2018. Daniel is on the editorial boards of the SoSyM and REJ journals. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Ottawa (2001), and is a professional engineer (OIQ), I.S.P. (CIPS), and a Senior Member of IEEE.
Joni Brennan – President Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC)
Presentation – Workshop – “Perspectives and Progress on Digital Identity”
Abstract: This session will share insights and perspectives regarding digital identity and the value of a Pan-Canadian Trust Framework to enable verification of digital trust services. Our research reveals opportunities to educate Canadians regarding digital identity. While education provides a foundation for public and private sector decision and policy makers, tools to verify conformity assessment of digital identity related services and networks are needed. The Pan-Canadian Trust Framework is one tool that enables the verification of trust regarding solutions that may be implemented using the same, or differing technologies and governance models. The Pan-Canadian Trust Framework and its supporting conformity assessment program known as Voilà Verified are tools to help Canadian infosec leaders to navigate a complex ecosystem while managing the costs of risk mitigation.
Joni serves as President of the Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC). Building upon over 15 years of hands-on experience Digital Identity innovations and standards development, Joni helps DIACC to fulfill its vision of unlocking interoperable capabilities of the public and private sectors to accelerate Canada’s Digital Economy through the establishment of an ecosystem of identity solutions and services that Canadians can use with confidence. Joni supports this vision by connecting her broad international experience to focused Canadian opportunities that help to organize Canadian market forces to open economic opportunities for all Canadians. Joni builds dynamic and collaborative relationships that formalize strategic partnerships between organizations. She has participated in influential committees and initiatives from organizations around the world including: OECD-ITAC, ISOC, IEEE, OASIS-SSTC, ISO SC27 WG5, and ITU-T SG17 Q6. She has also testified regarding trusted Identity and Access Management systems to the US Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Security and Privacy (ONC HITSP).
Francois Bedard – Senior Advisor Innovation and Francophone Market Lead, DIACC
With more than 25 years experience consulting with digital media, Francois Bedard is Senior Advisor Innovation with a focus on Digital Identity and Citizen Experiences with DIACC.
Angela McAllister – Academic Sector Lead, Canadian Centre for Cyber Security
Presentation – “The Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework”
Abstract: This presentation discusses the Canadian Cybersecurity Skills Framework and how it aligns with the robust and detailed U.S. National Initiative on Cybersecurity Education (NICE). The Cybersecurity Workforce Framework provides an organizational security lens and addresses unique Canadian labour market needs. This framework will better guide cybersecurity workforce development actions that will support business and industry.
Angela McAllister is the academic sector lead at the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security. As sector lead, she engages with organizations and associations to build strategic partnerships and define tailored projects to advance the Canadian academic sector’s cyber security posture. In her role, Angela seeks to raise awareness on the cyber threats affecting Canadian academic institutions and to promote the services and guidance available from the Cyber Centre.
Prior to her current role, Angela held the positions of Communications Security Technologist, Information Technology Security Analyst, and Information Technology Technical Writer. Angela is also a professor of communications, electronics, and computer applications at two Ontario colleges. Angela holds a Bachelor of Technology, a Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology, and a C.E.T designation. She is currently studying to obtain a Master of Technology Management.
Dr. Jeffrey Roy – Professor, School of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University
Presentation – “Covid-19, Digitization & Hybrid Workspaces: Implications and Opportunities for Public Sector Organizations”
Abstract: This presentation examines the emerging contours and prospects for hybrid workforce and workspace strategies within the Canadian public sector. If 2022 brings about even the beginnings of an evolution of Covid-19 from pandemic to endemic, governments will face a critical choice: to facilitate a safe revival of physical office settings as the nucleus of government operations and public servant interactions, or to embrace hybrid strategies as the centrepiece of innovative workspace redesign.
Report: Link to report.
Jeffrey Roy is professor in the School of Public Administration, Faculty of Management at Dalhousie University where he specializes in democratic governance, business and government relations, and digital government reforms. In addition to teaching and research, he has consulted to governments at all levels, the private sector, as well as the United Nations and the OECD. He is an associate editor of the International Journal of E-Government Research, a featured columnist in Canadian Government Executive, and author of several books (the most recent, From Machinery to Mobility: Democracy and Government in the Participative Age, published by Springer in 2013). His research has been supported by several funding bodies including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the IBM Center for the Business of Government. Professor Roy is also a member of the Transparency Advisory Group (TAG) for Public Safety Canada.
Interested in becoming a speaker or want to volunteer? Please contact the Conference Chair, Dr. Robert Weisman ( or ( We look forward to hearing from you!
To see a sample full agenda including speakers from our last conference held in 2021, please visit the past conference website.